Source code for runcommands.util.misc

import builtins
import functools
import importlib
import os
from typing import Mapping, Sequence

from ..exc import RunAborted

def abort(return_code=0, message="Aborted", color=True):
    from .printer import printer

    if message:
        if color is True:
            color = "error" if return_code else "warning"
        if color:
            message = printer.colorize(message, color=color)
    raise RunAborted(return_code, message)

[docs]def flatten_args(args: list, join=False, *, empty=(None, [], (), "")) -> list: """Flatten args and remove empty items. Args: args: A list of items (typically but not necessarily strings), which may contain sub-lists, that will be flattened into a single list with empty items removed. Empty items include ``None`` and empty lists, tuples, and strings. join: If ``True`` or a string, the final flattened list will be joined into a single string. The default join string is a space. empty: Items that are considered empty. Returns: list|str: The list of args flattened with empty items removed and the remaining items converted to strings. If ``join`` is specified, the list of flattened args will be joined into a single string. Examples:: >>> flatten_args([]) [] >>> flatten_args(()) [] >>> flatten_args([(), (), [(), ()]]) [] >>> flatten_args( ... [ ... 'executable', ... '--flag' if True else None, ... ('--option', 'value'), ... [None], ... ] ... ) ['executable', '--flag', '--option', 'value'] >>> flatten_args(['executable', '--option', 0]) ['executable', '--option', '0'] """ flat_args = [] non_empty_args = (arg for arg in args if arg not in empty) for arg in non_empty_args: if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)): flat_args.extend(flatten_args(arg)) else: flat_args.append(str(arg)) if join: join = " " if join is True else join flat_args = join.join(flat_args) return flat_args
[docs]def format_if(value, format_kwargs): """Apply format args to value if value or return value as is.""" if not value: return value return value.format_map(format_kwargs)
[docs]def is_mapping(obj): """Is the object a mapping? This mirrors :func:`is_sequence`. """ return isinstance(obj, Mapping)
[docs]def is_sequence(obj): """Is the object a *non-str* sequence? Checking whether an object is a *non-string* sequence is a bit unwieldy. This makes it simple. """ return isinstance(obj, Sequence) and not isinstance(obj, str)
[docs]def is_type(obj, type): """Is the object a subclass of the specified type? This is similar to the builtin ``issubclass`` but also ensures the object is a type first. """ if not isinstance(obj, builtins.type): return False return issubclass(obj, type)
def isatty(stream): try: return stream.isatty() except Exception: pass try: fileno = stream.fileno() except Exception: pass else: return os.isatty(fileno) return False
[docs]def load_object(obj) -> object: """Load an object. Args: obj (str|object): Load the indicated object if this is a string; otherwise, return the object as is. To load a module, pass a dotted path like 'package.module'; to load an an object from a module pass a path like 'package.module:name'. Returns: object """ if isinstance(obj, str): if ":" in obj: module_name, obj_name = obj.split(":") if not module_name: module_name = "." else: module_name = obj obj = importlib.import_module(module_name) if obj_name: attrs = obj_name.split(".") for attr in attrs: obj = getattr(obj, attr) return obj
[docs]def merge_dicts(*dicts): """Merge all dicts. Dicts later in the list take precedence over dicts earlier in the list. """ return functools.reduce(_merge_dicts, dicts, {})
def _merge_dicts(a, b): # Merge dict b into dict a a = a.copy() if not (isinstance(a, dict) and isinstance(b, dict)): raise TypeError(f"Expected two dicts; got {a.__class__} and {b.__class__}") for k, v in b.items(): if k in a and isinstance(a[k], dict): v = merge_dicts(a[k], v) a[k] = v return a