Source code for runcommands.runner

import os
from itertools import chain

from .exc import RunAborted, RunCommandsError, RunnerError
from .util import printer

[docs]class CommandRunner: """A runner for a given collection of commands.""" def __init__(self, collection, debug=False): self.collection = collection self.debug = debug def run(self, argv): debug = self.debug commands_to_run = self.get_commands_to_run(self.collection, argv) show_help_for = [c for c in commands_to_run if c.help_requested] if show_help_for: count = len(show_help_for) for cmd in show_help_for: if count > 1:"Help for",, end=os.linesep * 2) cmd.show_help() return () aborted = False aborted_exc = None results = [] commands_with_callbacks = [] for cmd in commands_to_run: try: result = except RunCommandsError as exc: if isinstance(exc, RunAborted): aborted = True aborted_exc = exc.create_nested() else: raise if debug: if aborted: printer.debug("\nExiting command runner due to abort") else: printer.debug("Exiting command runner due to error") break else: result, return_code = cmd.process_result(result) results.append(result) if cmd.callbacks: commands_with_callbacks.append((cmd, result)) for cmd, result in commands_with_callbacks: for callback in cmd.callbacks: callback(cmd.command, result, aborted) # XXX: Defer till here so callbacks are run first. if aborted: raise aborted_exc return tuple(results) def get_commands_to_run(self, collection, argv): debug = self.debug partition_args = self.partition_args commands_to_run = [] while argv: command, command_argv = partition_args(collection, argv) command.debug = self.debug command_to_run = CommandToRun(command, command_argv) commands_to_run.append(command_to_run) num_consumed = len(command_argv) + 1 argv = argv[num_consumed:] if debug: printer.debug("Command to run:", command_to_run) return commands_to_run def partition_args(self, collection, args): name = args[0] try: command = collection[name] except KeyError: raise RunnerError(f"Unknown command: {name}") args = args[1:] command_args = [] partition = [command, command_args] prev_args = chain([None], args[:-1]) for prev_arg, arg in zip(prev_args, args): if arg in collection: # Found a command name. If the previous arg wasn't an # option expecting a value, assume the command name is # the next command to run and not an option value or # positional. option = command.option_map.get(prev_arg) if option is None or not option.takes_value: break if arg and arg[0] == ":" and arg != ":" and arg[1:] in collection: # Found an escaped command name. Unescape it. arg = arg[1:] command_args.append(arg) return partition def print_usage(self): if not self.collection: printer.warning("No commands available") return print("\nAvailable commands:\n") for name in sorted(self.collection): print(f" {name}") print("\nFor detailed help on a command: runcommands <command> --help")
class CommandToRun: __slots__ = ("name", "command", "argv", "callbacks", "help_requested") def __init__(self, command, argv): argv = command.expand_short_options(argv) = self.command = command self.argv = argv self.callbacks = command.callbacks # Ignore args after -- when determining whether help was # requested for a command because such args aren't command # options. try: dash_dash_index = argv.index("--") except ValueError: help_requested_argv = argv else: help_requested_argv = argv[:dash_dash_index] self.help_requested = ( "-h" in help_requested_argv or "--help" in help_requested_argv ) def run(self): return, _expand_short_options=False) def process_result(self, result, **kwargs): return self.command.process_result(result, self.argv, **kwargs) def show_help(self): print( def __repr__(self): return f"Command(name={}, argv={self.argv})"