Source code for runcommands.command

import argparse
import inspect
import os
import signal
import sys
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from configparser import ConfigParser, ExtendedInterpolation
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Mapping

from cached_property import cached_property

import toml

from .args import POSITIONAL_PLACEHOLDER, Arg, ArgConfig, HelpArg, Parameter
from .exc import CommandError, RunAborted, RunCommandsError
from .result import Result
from .util import camel_to_underscore, is_type, printer, Data

__all__ = ["command", "subcommand", "Command"]

[docs]class Command: """Wraps a callable and provides a command line argument parser. Args: implementation (callable): A callable that implements the command's functionality. The command's console script will be generated by inspecting this callable. name (str): Name of command as it will be called from the command line. Defaults to ``implementation.__name__`` (with underscores replaced with dashes). description (str): Description of command shown in command help. Defaults to ``implementation.__doc__``. timed (bool): Whether the command should be timed. Will print an info message showing how long the command took to complete when ``True``. Defaults to ``False``. data (Mapping): Arbitrary data to attach to the command. read_config (bool): Read args from config file (pyproject.toml or setup.cfg). This is intended for use with standalone console scripts as a way for the end user to specify default args without having to know anything about RunCommands. Defaults to ``False``. sources (str|str[]): Source path or paths that the command uses to create output paths. If this is specified, then ``creates`` must be specified too. creates (str|str[]): Output path or paths that the command creates. This can be specified without ``sources``; in this case, the output path(s) will be created only when they don't already exist. callbacks (list): A list of callables that will be called after the command completes. When multiple commands are run at once, their callbacks will be run in the opposite order in which the corresponding commands are run--i.e., the callbacks for the last command will be run first. arg_config (dict): For commands defined as classes, this can be used to configure common base args instead of repeating the configuration for each subclass. Note that its keys should be actual parameter names and not normalized arg names. debug (bool): When this is set, additional debugging info will be shown. Other attributes: module: Module containing command For a class, this is just ``self.__class__.__module__`` For a function, this is ``self.implementation.__module__`` qualname: Qualified name of command within module For a class, this is just ``self.__class__.__qualname`` For a function, this is ``self.implementation.__qualname__`` This is typically used via the :func:`command` decorator:: from runcommands import command @command def my_command(): ... Decorating a function with :func:`command` will create an instance of :class:`Command` with the wrapped function as its implementation. Args can be passed to :func:`command`, which will be passed through to the :class:`Command` constructor:: @command(name='better-name') def my_command(): ... It's also possible to use a class directly as a command:: @command class MyCommand(Command): def implementation(self): ... Using the :func:`command` decorator on a class will create an instance of the class in the namespace where the class is defined. Command Names: A command's name is derived from the normalized name of its implementation function by default:: @command def some_command(): ... # Command name: some-command A name can be set explicitly instead, in which case it *won't* be normalized:: @command(name='do_stuff') def some_command(): ... # Command name: do_stuff If the command is defined as a class, its name will be derived from its class name by default (split into words then normalized):: class SomeCommand(Command): ... # Command name: some-command The `command` decorator or a class-level attribute can be used to set the command's name explicitly:: @command(name='do_stuff') class SomeCommand(Command): ... class SomeCommand(Command): name = 'do_stuff' # Command name in both cases: do_stuff """ def __init__( self, implementation=None, name=None, description=None, base_command=None, timed=False, data=None, read_config=False, creates=None, sources=None, callbacks=None, arg_config=None, default_args=None, debug=False, ): if implementation is None: if not hasattr(self, "implementation"): raise CommandError( "Missing implementation; it must be passed in as a " "function or defined as a method on the command " "class" ) self.module = self.__class__.__module__ self.qualname = self.__class__.__qualname__ default_name = self.normalize_class_name(self.__class__.__name__) else: self.implementation = implementation self.module = implementation.__module__ self.qualname = implementation.__qualname__ default_name = self.normalize_name(implementation.__name__) name = name or getattr(self.__class__, "name", None) or default_name base_name = name is_subcommand = base_command is not None if is_subcommand: name = ":".join((, name)) description = description or self.get_description_from_docstring( self.implementation ) short_description = description.splitlines()[0] if description else None if sources and not creates: raise ValueError( f"{name} command has source pattern but no output " f"paths (this is an error because it's not clear " f"what the intent is)" ) = name self.description = description self.short_description = short_description self.timed = timed self.__data = Data(**(data or {})) self.read_config = read_config self.callbacks = callbacks or [] self.arg_config = arg_config or {} self.creates = creates self.sources = sources self.debug = debug self.default_args = default_args or {} self.mutual_exclusion_groups = {} # Subcommand-related attributes first_arg = next(iter(self.args.values()), None) self.base_command = base_command self.base_name = base_name self.is_subcommand = is_subcommand self.subcommands = [] self.first_arg = first_arg self.first_arg_has_choices = ( False if first_arg is None else bool(first_arg.choices) ) if is_subcommand: base_command.add_subcommand(self)
[docs] def subcommand( self, name=None, description=None, timed=False, data=None, read_config=None, creates=None, sources=None, callbacks=None, cls=None, ): """Create a subcommand of the specified base command.""" base_command = self cls = cls or base_command.__class__ if read_config is None: read_config = base_command.read_config return command( name, description, base_command, timed, data, read_config, creates, sources, callbacks, cls, )
@property def is_base_command(self): return bool(self.subcommands) @property def subcommand_depth(self): depth = 0 base_command = self.base_command while base_command: depth += 1 base_command = base_command.base_command return depth @property def data(self): # XXX: Read-only property return self.__data @property def prog_name(self): if self.is_subcommand: return " ".join(":", self.subcommand_depth)) return self.base_name
[docs] @cached_property def environ_args(self): """Get default args from environment variables. These take precedence over defaults read from a config file for both collections and standalone console scripts. Any args that are found will be converted using the arg's type converter. Boolean args should use "1", "true", "0", or "false". .. note:: This is probably more useful with standalone console scripts versus collections of commands. The latter tend to have more complex configuration that might be better defined in a config file. """ environ_args = {} for arg in self.args.values(): envvar = arg.envvar if envvar is not None and envvar in os.environ: value = os.environ[envvar] value = arg.convert_value(value) environ_args[] = value return environ_args
[docs] @cached_property def config_file_args(self, *, _cache={}): """Get default args from config file. This looks in pyproject.toml and setup.cfg for default args for this command. The sections that will be searched are: - runcommands.{}.args - {}.args Any args that are found will be converted using the arg's type converter. Boolean args should use "1", "true", "0", or "false". .. note:: TOML converts unquoted values, which may not be desirable. To avoid this, quote values in pyproject.toml. .. note:: This is intended for use with standalone console scripts to provide an easy way for the end user to specify default args without needing to know anything about RunCommands. When creating a collection of commands to be run via ``run``, default args can be specified in ``commands.toml`` instead. .. note:: The first time a config file is loaded, its contents are cached to reduce file reads. """ cwd = Path.cwd() pyproject_file = cwd / "pyproject.toml" setup_file = cwd / "setup.cfg" if pyproject_file not in _cache: if pyproject_file.is_file(): all_config = toml.load(pyproject_file) else: all_config = None _cache[pyproject_file] = all_config all_config = _cache[pyproject_file] if all_config is not None: tool_config = all_config.get("tool") or {} candidates = [f"runcommands.{}",] for candidate in candidates: config = tool_config path = candidate.split(".") for segment in path: if segment in config: config = config[segment] else: break else: args = config.get("args") return self.convert_config_file_args(pyproject_file, args) if setup_file not in _cache: if setup_file.is_file(): parser = ConfigParser(interpolation=ExtendedInterpolation()) sections = parser.sections() else: sections = None _cache[setup_file] = sections sections = _cache[setup_file] if sections is not None: candidates = [f"runcommands.{}.args", f"{}.args"] for candidate in candidates: if candidate in sections: args = sections[candidate] return self.convert_config_file_args(setup_file, args) return {}
def convert_config_file_args(self, config_file, args): if not args: return {} processed_args = {} for name, value in args.items(): arg = self.find_arg(name) if arg is None: raise CommandError( f"Unknown arg for command {} specified in " f"{}: {name}" ) try: value = arg.convert_value(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise CommandError( f"Could not convert value for command {} " f"specified in {}: " f"{} => {value!r}" ) processed_args[arg.dest] = value return processed_args @property def output_paths(self): output_paths = self.creates if output_paths: if isinstance(output_paths, (str, Path)): output_paths = (output_paths,) return tuple(Path(path).resolve() for path in output_paths) return None @property def source_paths(self): source_patterns = self.sources if source_patterns: source_paths = [] cwd = Path.cwd() if isinstance(source_patterns, (str, Path)): source_patterns = (source_patterns,) for pattern in source_patterns: pattern_sources = tuple(path.resolve() for path in cwd.glob(pattern)) if pattern_sources: source_paths.extend(pattern_sources) else: raise CommandError( f"No paths found matching source pattern for " f"{} command: {pattern}" ) return source_paths return None def add_subcommand(self, subcommand): name = subcommand.base_name self.subcommands.append(subcommand) if not self.first_arg_has_choices: if self.first_arg.choices is None: self.first_arg.choices = [] self.first_arg.choices.append(name) def get_description_from_docstring(self, implementation): description = implementation.__doc__ if description is not None: description = description.strip() or None if description is not None: lines = description.splitlines() title = lines[0] if title.endswith("."): title = title[:-1] lines = [title] + [line[4:] for line in lines[1:]] description = "\n".join(lines) return description def add_callback(self, callback): self.callbacks.append(callback)
[docs] def should_create(self): """Determine whether output paths should be created. Returns ``True`` when any* output path doesn't already exist or when *any* source path was modified more recently than *any* output path. Returns ``False`` in all other cases. .. note:: This should only be called when ``self.creates`` is specified. .. note:: When a command creates paths but no source paths are specified, the output paths will be created when at least one output path doesn't already exist. """ source_paths = self.source_paths output_paths = self.output_paths # When any output path doesn't exist, create all paths. for output_path in output_paths: if not output_path.exists(): return True if not source_paths: # All output paths exist, so there's nothing to do (since # there are no source paths to compare against). return False # XXX: Cache stat calls source_mtimes = [None] * len(source_paths) output_mtimes = [None] * len(output_paths) # For each output path, see if any source path was modified more # recently. for i, output_path in enumerate(output_paths): if output_mtimes[i] is None: output_mtimes[i] = output_path.stat().st_mtime_ns output_mtime = output_mtimes[i] for j, source_path in enumerate(source_paths): if source_mtimes[j] is None: source_mtimes[j] = source_path.stat().st_mtime_ns source_mtime = source_mtimes[j] if source_mtime > output_mtime: return True return False
def run(self, argv, _expand_short_options=True, **overrides): if self.timed: start_time = time.monotonic() creates = self.output_paths if creates: should_create = self.should_create() if not should_create: printer.warning(f"Output paths are up to date for {} command") if self.timed: self.print_elapsed_time(time.monotonic() - start_time) return None empty = Parameter.empty debug = self.debug positionals = self.positionals var_positional = self.var_positional environ_args = self.environ_args default_args = self.default_args parsed_args = {} if self.read_config: parsed_args.update(self.config_file_args) if isinstance(argv, Mapping): parsed_args.update(argv) else: parsed_args.update( self.parse_args(argv, expand_short_options=_expand_short_options) ) args = [] var_args = () kwargs = {} kwargs.update(parsed_args) kwargs.update(overrides) if debug: # Names of all positional args. arg_names = [] # Positional args passed via command line (name, value pairs). args_passed = [] # Name of the var args arg. var_args_name = None # Positional args added from command's environ args. from_environ = {} # Positional args added from command's default args. from_default_args = {} # Positional args added from arg defaults. from_arg_defaults = {} # Map command line args to the command's parameters. Extract # positional args from the parsed args dict so they can be # passed positionally, using defaults for positionals that # weren't passed. Nothing special needs to be done for optional # args. for arg in positionals.values(): name = value = kwargs.pop(name, POSITIONAL_PLACEHOLDER) if value is POSITIONAL_PLACEHOLDER: if name in environ_args: value = environ_args[name] if debug: from_environ[name] = value elif name in default_args: value = default_args[name] if debug: from_default_args[name] = value elif arg.default is not empty: value = arg.default if debug: from_arg_defaults[name] = value else: raise AssertionError("This should never happen") elif debug: args_passed.append((name, value)) if debug: arg_names.append(name) args.append(value) if var_positional: var_args_name = if var_args_name in kwargs: var_args = kwargs.pop(var_args_name) if debug: args_passed.append((var_args_name, var_args)) if debug: printer.debug("Command called via command line:", printer.debug(" Parsed args:", parsed_args) printer.debug(" Overrides:", overrides) printer.debug(" Received positional args:", tuple(args_passed)) printer.debug(" Received optional args:", kwargs) printer.debug( " Added positionals from environ args:", ", ".join(from_environ) ) printer.debug( " Added positionals from default args:", ", ".join(from_default_args) ) printer.debug( " Added positionals from arg defaults:", ", ".join(from_arg_defaults) ) printer.debug("Running command via command line:", printer.debug(" Positional args:", tuple(zip(arg_names, args))) printer.debug( " Var args:", (var_args_name, var_args) if var_args else var_args ) printer.debug(" Optional args:", kwargs) if var_args: args = tuple(args) + tuple(var_args) result = self(*args, **kwargs) if creates and should_create: for path in creates: if not path.exists(): printer.warning(f"Path not created by command {}: {path}") if self.timed: self.print_elapsed_time(time.monotonic() - start_time) return result
[docs] def console_script(self, argv=None, **overrides): """Run the command and then :func:`sys.exit`. When exiting isn't desired (e.g. in tests), wrap the call to this method in a try/except black that catches ``SystemExit``. """ debug = self.debug argv = sys.argv[1:] if argv is None else argv is_base_command = self.is_base_command if hasattr(self, "sigint_handler"): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint_handler) if is_base_command: commands = self.partition_subcommands(argv) else: commands = [(self, argv)] aborted = False return_code = 0 commands_with_callbacks = [] for cmd, cmd_argv in commands: try: result =, **overrides) except RunCommandsError as exc: # When an internal error is encountered, no more # commands should be run, and callbacks should only be # run on abort (i.e., not for any other error). On # abort, callbacks for the command that was aborted # should *not* be run. return_code = exc.return_code if hasattr(exc, "return_code") else 1 result_str = str(exc) if result_str: if return_code: printer.error(result_str) elif aborted: printer.warning(result_str) else: printer.print(result_str) if debug: if aborted: printer.debug("\nExiting console script due to abort") else: printer.debug("Exiting console script due to error") if isinstance(exc, RunAborted): aborted = True if exc.is_nested and cmd.callbacks: commands_with_callbacks.append((cmd, exc)) else: commands_with_callbacks = [] if debug: raise break else: result, return_code = self.process_result(result, cmd_argv) if cmd.callbacks: commands_with_callbacks.append((cmd, result)) for cmd, result in commands_with_callbacks: for callback in cmd.callbacks: callback(cmd, result, aborted) if debug: printer.debug("Exiting console script with return code:", return_code) return sys.exit(return_code)
[docs] def process_result(self, result, argv, stdout=None, stderr=None): """Process the result returned by a command.""" if result is None: result = 0 if isinstance(result, int): return_code = result result = Result(argv, return_code, stdout, stderr) elif hasattr(result, "return_code"): # Assume Result or Result-like object. return_code = result.return_code else: # Some other kind of result object. return_code = 0 return result, return_code
def partition_subcommands(self, argv, base=True): debug = self.debug base_argv = [] base_args = {} subcmd_args = {} commands = [(self, base_args)] subcommand_map = { sub for sub in self.subcommands} if debug: printer.debug("Parsing command for subcommands:", printer.debug(" argv:", argv) for i, arg in enumerate(argv): if arg.startswith(":"): base_argv.append(arg[1:]) else: base_argv.append(arg) qualified_name = f"{}:{arg}" if qualified_name in subcommand_map: subcmd = subcommand_map[qualified_name] remaining_argv = argv[i + 1 :] if debug: printer.debug("Found subcommand:", printer.debug(" Base argv:", base_argv) printer.debug(" Remaining argv:", remaining_argv) base_args.update(self.parse_args(base_argv)) if subcmd.is_base_command: commands.extend( subcmd.partition_subcommands(remaining_argv, False) ) else: subcmd_args = subcmd.parse_args(remaining_argv) commands.append([subcmd, subcmd_args]) break else: # No subcommand found if debug: printer.debug("Found command with no subcommand:", printer.debug(" argv:", base_argv) base_args.update(self.parse_args(base_argv)) if base: # Pass base args down to subcommands. Each subcommand will # receive args from *all* preceding base commands. The last # value for an arg will be used (i.e., if two base commands # have the same option and it was passed to both for some # reason). base_cmd, base_args = commands[0] base_args = base_args.copy() subcmd_arg_names = set(subcmd_args) for i, (subcmd, subcmd_args) in enumerate(commands[1:], 1): for base_arg in base_cmd.args.values(): name = sub_param = subcmd.find_parameter(name) pass_down = ( name not in subcmd_arg_names and base_arg.is_optional and not base_arg.is_positional and sub_param and ( sub_param.is_optional or sub_param.is_required_keyword_only ) ) if pass_down: if name in base_args: # Arg was passed to base command. # # XXX: Don't use base args's default value # in this case so subcommand's default # will be used. value = base_args[name] elif sub_param.is_required_keyword_only: # Arg was *not* passed to base command. # # XXX: Use base arg's default value in this # case since there's no subcommand # default. value = base_arg.default else: pass_down = False if pass_down: subcmd_args[name] = value base_cmd = subcmd base_args.update(subcmd_args) if self.debug: printer.debug("Subcommands:") for cmd, cmd_argv in commands: printer.debug(" ",, cmd_argv) return commands def __call__(self, *passed_args, **passed_kwargs): empty = Parameter.empty debug = self.debug positionals = tuple(self.positionals.values()) num_positionals = len(positionals) var_positional = self.var_positional environ_args = self.environ_args default_args = self.default_args num_passed_args = len(passed_args) args = [] var_args = () kwargs = passed_kwargs.copy() if debug: # Positional args passed (name, value pairs). args_passed = [] # Name of the var args arg. var_args_name = None # Args added from environ. from_environ = {} # Args added from command's default args. from_default_args = {} # Args added from arg defaults. from_arg_defaults = {} # The N passed positional args are mapped to the first N # positional parameters. for arg, value in zip(positionals, passed_args): name = args.append((name, value)) if debug: args_passed.append((name, value)) # Use defaults for positionals that weren't passed. This is done # here instead of below with the optionals so they'll be passed # positionally. for arg in positionals[len(args) :]: name = if name in environ_args: value = environ_args[name] args.append((name, value)) if debug: from_environ[name] = value elif name in default_args: value = default_args[name] args.append((name, value)) if debug: from_default_args[name] = value elif arg.default is not empty: value = arg.default args.append((name, value)) if debug: from_arg_defaults[name] = value # If the command has var args, it consumes any remaining passed # positional args. if var_positional: var_args_name = var_args = passed_args[len(args) :] if var_args: if debug: args_passed.append((var_args_name, var_args)) elif var_args_name in default_args: var_args = default_args[var_args_name] elif var_positional.default is not empty: var_args = var_positional.default # Otherwise, the remaining N passed positionals args correspond # to the first N optionals. elif num_passed_args > num_positionals: for arg, value in zip( self.optionals.values(), passed_args[num_positionals:] ): name = args.append((name, value)) if debug: args_passed.append((name, value)) arg_names = tuple(item[0] for item in args) # Use env var defaults for any optionals that weren't passed # that have an env var default. Positionals that weren't passed # have already had their defaults set above. get_from_environ = set(environ_args).difference(arg_names, passed_kwargs) for name in get_from_environ: value = environ_args[name] kwargs[name] = value if debug: from_environ[name] = value # Use defaults for any optionals that weren't passed that have a # default. Positionals that weren't passed have already had # their defaults set above. get_from_default_args = set(default_args).difference( arg_names, environ_args, passed_kwargs ) for name in get_from_default_args: value = default_args[name] kwargs[name] = value if debug: from_default_args[name] = value if debug: var_args_display = (var_args_name, tuple(var_args)) if var_args else () printer.debug("Command called:", printer.debug(" Received positional args:", args_passed) printer.debug(" Received keyword args:", passed_kwargs) printer.debug(" Added from environ:", from_environ) printer.debug(" Added from default args:", from_default_args) printer.debug(" Added from arg defaults:", from_arg_defaults) printer.debug("Running command:", printer.debug(" Positional args:", args) printer.debug(" Var args:", var_args_display) printer.debug(" Keyword args:", kwargs) args = tuple(item[1] for item in args) if var_args: args = args + tuple(var_args) return self.implementation(*args, **kwargs) def parse_args(self, argv, expand_short_options=True): if self.debug: printer.debug(f"Parsing args for command `{}`: {argv}") if expand_short_options: argv = self.expand_short_options(argv) parsed_args = self.arg_parser.parse_args(argv) parsed_args = vars(parsed_args) for k, v in parsed_args.items(): if v == "": parsed_args[k] = None return parsed_args
[docs] def parse_optional(self, string): """Parse string into name, option, and value (if possible). If the string is a known option name, the string, the corresponding option, and ``None`` will be returned. If the string has the form ``--option=<value>`` or ``-o=<value>``, it will be split on equals into an option name and value. If the option name is known, the option name, the corresponding option, and the value will be returned. In all other cases, ``None`` will be returned to indicate that the string doesn't correspond to a known option. """ option_map = self.option_map if string in option_map: return string, option_map[string], None if "=" in string: name, value = string.split("=", 1) if name in option_map: return name, option_map[name], value return None
[docs] def expand_short_options(self, argv): """Convert grouped short options like `-abc` to `-a, -b, -c`. This is necessary because we set ``allow_abbrev=False`` on the ``ArgumentParser`` in :attr:`self.arg_parser`. The argparse docs say ``allow_abbrev`` applies only to long options, but it also affects whether short options grouped behind a single dash will be parsed into multiple short options. See :meth:`parse_multi_short_option` for details on how multi short options are parsed. Returns: list: Original argv if no multi short options found list: Expanded argv if multi short options found """ if self.debug: printer.debug(f"Expanding short options for `{}`: {argv}") has_multi_short_options = False parse_multi_short_option = self.parse_multi_short_option new_argv = [] for i, arg in enumerate(argv): if arg == "--": new_argv.extend(argv[i:]) break short_options, value = parse_multi_short_option(arg) if short_options: new_argv.extend(short_options) if value is not None: new_argv.append(value) has_multi_short_options = True else: new_argv.append(arg) if self.debug and not has_multi_short_options: printer.debug("No multi short options found") return new_argv if has_multi_short_options else argv
[docs] def parse_multi_short_option(self, arg): """Parse args like '-xyz' into ['-x', '-y', '-z']. Examples:: 'abc' -> None, None # not an option '--option' -> None, None # long option '-a' -> None, None # short option but not multi '-xyz' -> ['-x', '-y', '-z'], None # multi short option '-xyz12' -> ['-x', '-y', '-z'], '12' # multi short option w/ value Note that parsing stops when a short option that takes a value is encountered--the rest of the arg string is considered the value for that option. Returns: (None, None): The arg is not a multi short option (list, str|None): The arg is a multi short option (perhaps including a value for the last option) """ if len(arg) < 3 or arg[0] != "-" or arg[1] == "-" or arg[2] == "=": # Not a multi short option like '-abc'. return None, None # Appears to be a multi short option. option_map = self.option_map short_options = [] value = None for i, char in enumerate(arg[1:], 1): name = f"-{char}" short_options.append(name) option = option_map.get(name) if option is not None and option.takes_value: j = i + 1 if j < len(arg): value = arg[j:] break if self.debug and short_options: printer.debug("Parsed multi short option:", arg, "=>", short_options) return short_options, value
@staticmethod def normalize_name(name): # Chomp a single trailing underscore *if* the name ends with # just one trailing underscore. This accommodates the convention # of adding a trailing underscore to reserved/built-in names. if name.endswith("_"): if name[-2] != "_": name = name[:-1] name = name.replace("_", "-") return name @staticmethod def normalize_class_name(name): name = camel_to_underscore(name) name = name.replace("_", "-") name = name.lower() return name
[docs] def find_arg(self, name): """Find arg by normalized arg name or parameter name.""" name = self.normalize_name(name) return self.args.get(name)
[docs] def find_parameter(self, name): """Find parameter by name or normalized arg name.""" param = self.parameters.get(name) if param is None: name = self.normalize_name(name) arg = self.args.get(name) if arg is not None and not isinstance(arg, HelpArg): param = arg.parameter return param
def get_arg_config(self, param): annotation = param.annotation if annotation is param.empty: annotation = self.arg_config.get( or ArgConfig() elif isinstance(annotation, type): annotation = ArgConfig(type=annotation) elif isinstance(annotation, str): annotation = ArgConfig(help=annotation) elif isinstance(annotation, Mapping): annotation = ArgConfig(**annotation) return annotation def get_short_option_for_arg(self, name, used): first_char = name[0] first_char_upper = first_char.upper() if name == "help": candidates = (first_char,) elif name.startswith("h"): candidates = (first_char_upper,) else: candidates = (first_char, first_char_upper) for char in candidates: short_option = f"-{char}" if short_option not in used: return short_option def get_long_option_for_arg(self, name): return f"--{name}" def get_inverse_short_option_for_arg(self, short_option, used): inverse_short_option = short_option.upper() if inverse_short_option not in used: return inverse_short_option def get_inverse_long_option_for_arg(self, long_option): if long_option == "--yes": return "--no" if long_option == "--no": return "--yes" if long_option.startswith("--no-"): return long_option.replace("--no-", "--", 1) if long_option.startswith("--is-"): return long_option.replace("--is-", "--not-", 1) if long_option.startswith("--with-"): return long_option.replace("--with-", "--without-", 1) return long_option.replace("--", "--no-", 1) def print_elapsed_time(self, elapsed_time): m, s = divmod(elapsed_time, 60) m = int(m)"info") f"Elapsed time for {} command: " f"{m:d}m {s:.3f}s", highlight=False, )"info") @cached_property def parameters(self): implementation = self.implementation signature = inspect.signature(implementation) parameters = OrderedDict() for name, param in signature.parameters.items(): parameters[name] = Parameter(param) return parameters @cached_property def has_kwargs(self): return any(p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD for p in self.parameters.values())
[docs] @cached_property def args(self): """Create args from function parameters.""" params = self.parameters args = OrderedDict() empty = Parameter.empty normalize_name = self.normalize_name get_arg_config = self.get_arg_config get_short_option = self.get_short_option_for_arg get_long_option = self.get_long_option_for_arg get_inverse_short_option = self.get_inverse_short_option_for_arg get_inverse_long_option = self.get_inverse_long_option_for_arg params = OrderedDict( ( (normalize_name(n), p) for n, p in params.items() if not ( n.startswith("_") or p.is_required_keyword_only or p.is_var_keyword ) ) ) used_short_options = set() for param in params.values(): annotation = get_arg_config(param) short_option = annotation.short_option if short_option: used_short_options.add(short_option) for name, param in params.items(): annotation = get_arg_config(param) container = annotation.container type = annotation.type choices = annotation.choices help = inverse_help = annotation.inverse_help short_option = annotation.short_option long_option = annotation.long_option no_inverse = annotation.no_inverse inverse_short_option = annotation.inverse_short_option inverse_long_option = annotation.inverse_long_option action = annotation.action nargs = annotation.nargs mutual_exclusion_group = annotation.mutual_exclusion_group envvar = annotation.envvar default = param.default is_var_positional = param.is_var_positional is_positional = param.is_positional is_bool = is_type(type, bool) or param.is_bool if annotation.default is not empty: if is_positional or is_var_positional: default = annotation.default else: raise CommandError( f"Got default for `{}` command's " f"optional arg `{name}` via arg annotation. " f"Optional args must specify their defaults " f"via keyword arg values." ) if not (is_positional or is_var_positional): if not short_option: short_option = get_short_option(name, used_short_options) used_short_options.add(short_option) if not long_option: long_option = get_long_option(name) if is_bool and not no_inverse: if short_option and not inverse_short_option: inverse_short_option = get_inverse_short_option( short_option, used_short_options, ) used_short_options.add(inverse_short_option) if not inverse_long_option: inverse_long_option = get_inverse_long_option(long_option) args[name] = Arg( command=self, parameter=param, name=name, container=container, type=type, positional=is_positional, default=default, choices=choices, help=help, inverse_help=inverse_help, short_option=short_option, long_option=long_option, no_inverse=no_inverse, inverse_short_option=inverse_short_option, inverse_long_option=inverse_long_option, action=action, nargs=nargs, mutual_exclusion_group=mutual_exclusion_group, envvar=envvar, ) if "help" not in args: args["help"] = HelpArg(command=self) option_map = OrderedDict() for arg in args.values(): for option in arg.options: option_map.setdefault(option, []) option_map[option].append(arg) for option, option_args in option_map.items(): if len(option_args) > 1: names = ", ".join( for a in option_args) message = ( f"Option {option} of command {} maps to " f"multiple parameters: {names}" ) raise CommandError(message) return args
@cached_property def arg_parser(self): use_default_help = isinstance(self.args["help"], HelpArg) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog=self.prog_name, description=self.description, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS, add_help=use_default_help, allow_abbrev=False, # See note in `self.parse_args()` ) default_args = self.default_args for name, arg in self.args.items(): if name == "help" and use_default_help: continue param = arg.parameter options, kwargs = arg.add_argument_args if arg.is_positional and in default_args: # Positionals are made optional if a default value is # specified via config. options = (self.get_long_option_for_arg(,) mutual_exclusion_group_name = arg.mutual_exclusion_group if mutual_exclusion_group_name: if mutual_exclusion_group_name not in self.mutual_exclusion_groups: self.mutual_exclusion_groups[ mutual_exclusion_group_name ] = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() mutual_exclusion_group = self.mutual_exclusion_groups[ mutual_exclusion_group_name ] mutual_exclusion_group.add_argument(*options, **kwargs) else: parser.add_argument(*options, **kwargs) inverse_args = arg.add_argument_inverse_args if inverse_args is not None: options, kwargs = inverse_args parser.add_argument(*options, **kwargs) return parser @cached_property def positionals(self): args = self.args.items() return OrderedDict((name, arg) for (name, arg) in args if arg.is_positional) @cached_property def var_positional(self): args = self.args.items() for name, arg in args: if arg.is_var_positional: return arg return None @cached_property def optionals(self): args = self.args.items() return OrderedDict((name, arg) for (name, arg) in args if arg.is_optional)
[docs] @cached_property def option_map(self): """Map command-line options to args.""" option_map = OrderedDict() for arg in self.args.values(): for option in arg.options: option_map[option] = arg return option_map
@property def help(self): help_ = self.arg_parser.format_help() help_ = help_.split(": ", 1)[1] help_ = help_.strip() return help_ @property def usage(self): usage = self.arg_parser.format_usage() usage = usage.split(": ", 1)[1] usage = usage.strip() return usage def __hash__(self): return hash( def __str__(self): return self.usage def __repr__(self): return f"Command(name={})"
def command( name=None, description=None, base_command=None, timed=False, data=None, read_config=False, creates=None, sources=None, callbacks=None, cls=Command, ): args = dict( description=description, base_command=base_command, timed=timed, data=data, read_config=read_config, creates=creates, sources=sources, callbacks=callbacks, ) if isinstance(name, type): # Bare class decorator name.implementation.__name__ = camel_to_underscore(name.__name__) return name(**args) if callable(name): # Bare function decorator return cls(implementation=name, **args) def wrapper(wrapped): if isinstance(wrapped, type): wrapped.implementation.__name__ = camel_to_underscore(wrapped.__name__) return wrapped(name=name, **args) return cls(implementation=wrapped, name=name, **args) return wrapper def subcommand( base_command, name=None, description=None, timed=False, data=None, read_config=None, creates=None, sources=None, callbacks=None, cls=None, ): cls = cls or base_command.__class__ if read_config is None: read_config = base_command.read_config return command( name, description, base_command, timed, data, read_config, creates, sources, callbacks, cls, )