Source code for runcommands.args

import argparse
import builtins
import json
import re
from enum import Enum
from functools import update_wrapper
from inspect import Parameter as BaseParameter

from cached_property import cached_property

from .exc import CommandError
from .util import invert_string, is_mapping, is_sequence, is_type

EMPTY = BaseParameter.empty


    """Used as a placeholder for positionals."""

class Parameter:

    """Wrapper for :class:`inspect.Parameter`.

    Adds convenience methods for our typical use cases.


    empty = EMPTY

    def __init__(self, parameter):
        self.parameter = parameter

    def is_positional(self):
        kind = self.parameter.kind
        default = self.parameter.default
        return (kind is POSITIONAL_ONLY) or (
            kind is POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD and default is EMPTY

    def is_var_positional(self):
        return self.parameter.kind is VAR_POSITIONAL

    def is_var_keyword(self):
        return self.parameter.kind is VAR_KEYWORD

    def is_optional(self):
        kind = self.parameter.kind
        default = self.parameter.default
        return (
            (kind is POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) or (kind is KEYWORD_ONLY)
        ) and default is not EMPTY

    def is_required_keyword_only(self):
        kind = self.parameter.kind
        default = self.parameter.default
        return kind is KEYWORD_ONLY and default is EMPTY

    def is_bool(self):
        return isinstance(self.parameter.default, bool)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Proxy to wrapped :class:`inspect.Parameter`."""
        return getattr(self.parameter, name)

[docs]class ArgConfig: """Configuration for an arg. This can be used as a function parameter annotation to explicitly configure an arg, overriding default behavior. Args: container (type): Container type to collect args into. If this is passed, or if the ``default`` value is a container type, values for this arg will be collected into a container of the appropriate type. type (type): The arg's type. By default, a positional arg will be parsed as ``str`` and an optional/keyword arg will be parsed as the type of its default value (or as ``str`` if the default value is ``None``). If a ``container`` is specified, or if the ``default`` value for the arg is a container, the ``type`` will be applied to the container's values. choices (sequence): A sequence of allowed choices for the arg. help (str): Help string for the arg. inverse_help (str): Inverse help string for the arg (for the ``--no-xyz`` variation of boolean args). short_option (str): Short command line option. long_option (str): Long command line option. inverse_short_option (str): Inverse short option for boolean args. inverse_long_option (str): Inverse long option for boolean args. action (Action): ``argparse`` Action. nargs (int|str): Number of command line args to consume. mutual_exclusion_group (str): Name of mutual exclusion group to add this arg to. envvar(str): Environment variable containing a default value to use when the arg isn't specified on the command line. default: Default value for positional args. .. note:: For convenience, regular dicts can be used to annotate args instead; they will be converted to instances of this class automatically. """ short_option_regex = re.compile(r"-\w") long_option_regex = re.compile(r"--\w+(-\w+)*") def __init__( self, *, container=None, type=None, choices=None, help=None, inverse_help=None, short_option=None, long_option=None, no_inverse=False, inverse_short_option=None, inverse_long_option=None, inverse_option=None, # XXX: Temporary alias for inverse_long_option action=None, nargs=None, mutual_exclusion_group=None, envvar=None, default=EMPTY, ): if short_option is not None: if not self.short_option_regex.fullmatch(short_option): raise CommandError( f'Expected short option with form -x, not "{short_option}"' ) if long_option is not None: if not self.long_option_regex.fullmatch(long_option): raise CommandError( f'Expected long option with form --option, not "{long_option}"' ) self.container = container self.type = type self.choices = choices = help self.inverse_help = inverse_help self.short_option = short_option self.long_option = long_option self.no_inverse = no_inverse self.inverse_short_option = inverse_short_option self.inverse_long_option = inverse_long_option or inverse_option self.action = action self.nargs = nargs self.mutual_exclusion_group = mutual_exclusion_group self.envvar = envvar self.default = default def __repr__(self): type_name = self.type.__name__ if self.type is not None else "None" options = ( self.short_option, self.long_option, self.inverse_short_option, self.inverse_long_option, ) options = (option for option in options if option) options = ", ".join(options) return f"arg<{type_name}>({options})"
arg = ArgConfig
[docs]class Arg: """Encapsulates an arg belonging to a command. Attributes: command (Command): Command this arg belongs to. parameter (Parameter): Function parameter this arg is derived from. name (str): Normalized arg name. container (type): Container type to collect args into. If this is passed, or if the ``default`` value is a container type, values for this arg will be collected into a container of the appropriate type. type (type): The arg's type. By default, a positional arg will be parsed as ``str`` and an optional/keyword arg will be parsed as the type of its default value (or as ``str`` if the default value is ``None``). If a ``container`` is specified, or if the ``default`` value for the arg is a container, the ``type`` will be applied to the container's values. positional (bool): An arg will automatically be considered positional if it doesn't have a default value, so this doesn't usually need to be passed explicitly. It can be used to force an arg that would normally be optional to be positional. default (object): Default value for the arg. choices (sequence): A sequence of allowed choices for the arg. help (str): Help string for the arg. inverse_help (str): Inverse help string for the arg (for the ``--no-xyz`` variation of boolean args). short_option (str): Short command line option. long_option (str): Long command line option. inverse_short_option (str): Inverse short option for boolean args. inverse_long_option (str): Inverse long option for boolean args. action (Action): ``argparse`` Action. nargs (int|str): Number of command line args to consume. mutual_exclusion_group (str): Name of mutual exclusion group to add this arg to. envvar(str): Environment variable containing a default value to use when the arg isn't specified on the command line. """ def __init__( self, *, command, parameter, name, container, type, positional, default, choices, help, inverse_help, short_option, long_option, no_inverse, inverse_short_option, inverse_long_option, action, nargs, mutual_exclusion_group, envvar, ): is_keyword_only = parameter.kind is KEYWORD_ONLY and default is EMPTY is_var_positional = parameter.kind is VAR_POSITIONAL if default is EMPTY: is_positional = not (is_var_positional or is_keyword_only) is_optional = False else: is_positional = False is_optional = True if positional is not None: is_positional = positional metavar = name.upper().replace("-", "_") if container and len(name) > 1 and name.endswith("s"): metavar = metavar[:-1] if container is None: if is_mapping(default) or is_sequence(default): container = default.__class__ elif is_var_positional: container = tuple if type is None: if is_type(choices, Enum): type = choices elif container is not None: if default and default is not EMPTY: type = default[0].__class__ else: type = str elif default not in (None, EMPTY): type = default.__class__ else: type = str if isinstance(type, builtins.type): is_bool = issubclass(type, bool) is_bool_or = issubclass(type, bool_or) is_enum_bool_or = is_bool_or and issubclass(type, Enum) is_enum = issubclass(type, Enum) else: is_bool = False is_bool_or = False is_enum_bool_or = False is_enum = False if is_bool: type = None metavar = None elif is_bool_or: type = type.type if not choices: if is_enum: choices = type elif is_enum_bool_or: choices = type.type if is_positional or is_var_positional: options = (short_option, long_option, inverse_long_option) options = tuple(option for option in options if option is not None) if options: raise CommandError( f"Positional args cannot be specified with " f"options: {', '.join(options)}" ) if action is None: if container: if is_bool_or: action = BoolOrContainerAction.make(container, type) # XXX: Type conversion handled in action type = str else: action = ContainerAction.make(container) elif is_bool: action = "store_true" elif is_bool_or: action = BoolOrAction if nargs is None: if is_positional: if container: nargs = "+" elif is_optional: nargs = "?" elif is_var_positional: nargs = "*" elif is_bool_or: if container: nargs = "*" else: nargs = "?" elif is_optional: if container: nargs = "*" options = tuple(opt for opt in (short_option, long_option) if opt is not None) all_options = options if no_inverse: inverse_options = () else: inverse_options = tuple( opt for opt in (inverse_short_option, inverse_long_option) if opt is not None ) all_options += inverse_options if is_var_positional and default is EMPTY: default = () self.command = command self.parameter = parameter self.is_positional = is_positional self.is_var_positional = is_var_positional self.is_optional = is_optional self.takes_value = is_positional or (is_optional and not is_bool) self.dest = = name self.metavar = metavar self.container = container self.type = type self.is_bool = is_bool self.is_bool_or = is_bool_or self.default = default self.choices = choices = help self.inverse_help = inverse_help self.short_option = short_option self.long_option = long_option self.options = options self.no_inverse = no_inverse self.inverse_short_option = inverse_short_option self.inverse_long_option = inverse_long_option self.inverse_options = inverse_options self.all_options = all_options self.action = action self.nargs = nargs self.mutual_exclusion_group = mutual_exclusion_group self.envvar = envvar @cached_property def add_argument_args(self, *, _type_wrapper_cache={}): args = self.options if self.is_optional and not self.is_bool: if self.type not in _type_wrapper_cache: type = lambda v: (None if v == "" else self.type(v)) # noqa: E731 type = update_wrapper(type, self.type) _type_wrapper_cache[self.type] = type type = _type_wrapper_cache[self.type] else: type = self.type kwargs = { "action": self.action, "choices": self.choices, "dest": self.dest, "help":, "metavar": self.metavar, "nargs": self.nargs, "type": type, } kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} if self.is_positional and self.is_optional: kwargs["default"] = POSITIONAL_PLACEHOLDER return args, kwargs @cached_property def add_argument_inverse_args(self): if not (self.is_bool or self.is_bool_or) or self.no_inverse: return None args = self.inverse_options _, kwargs = self.add_argument_args if self.inverse_help: inverse_help = self.inverse_help elif inverse_help = invert_string( else: inverse_help = kwargs = kwargs.copy() kwargs["action"] = "store_false" kwargs["help"] = inverse_help if self.is_bool_or: kwargs.pop("metavar") kwargs.pop("nargs") kwargs.pop("type") return args, kwargs
[docs] def convert_value(self, value: str): """Convert string value to this arg's type.""" if not isinstance(value, str): return value if self.is_bool or self.is_bool_or: if value in ("1", "true"): return True elif value in ("0", "false"): return False if self.is_bool: raise ValueError("Bool value must be one of 1, true, 0, or false") converter = self.add_argument_args[1]["type"] value = converter(value) return value
def __str__(self): kind = "Positional" if self.is_positional else "Optional" has_default = self.default not in (EMPTY, None) default = f"[={self.default}]" if has_default else "" if self.is_bool: type = "flag" elif self.is_bool_or: type = f"flag|{self.type.__name__}" elif self.type is None: type = None else: type = self.type.__name__ return f"{kind} arg: {}{default}: type={type}"
class HelpArg(Arg): def __init__(self, *, command): parameter = Parameter( BaseParameter("help", POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, default=False), ) super().__init__( command=command, parameter=parameter, name="help", container=None, type=bool, positional=None, default=False, choices=None, help=None, inverse_help=None, short_option="-h", long_option="--help", no_inverse=True, inverse_short_option=None, inverse_long_option=None, action=None, nargs=None, mutual_exclusion_group=None, envvar=None, )
[docs]class bool_or: """Used to indicate that an arg can be a flag or an option. Use like this:: @command def local(config, cmd, hide: {'type': bool_or} = False): "Run the specified command, possibly hiding its output. If ``hide=True``, *all* output will be hidden. It can also be set to one of "stdout" or "stderr" to hide just the specified output stream. " .. note:: The default inner type for ``bool_or`` is ``str``. ``bool_or(str)`` is equivalent to ``bool_or``. Allows for this:: run local --hide all # Hide everything run local --hide # Hide everything with less effort run local --hide stdout # Hide stdout only run local --no-hide # Don't hide anything This can also be combined with the ``container`` option like so:: @command def fetch(fields: {'container': dict, type: bool_or(int)}): "Get data from somewhere and show the specified fields. If ``fields=True``, all fields will be shown with their original names. If fields are specified, only those fields will be shown, with their names mapped. For example, ``fields`` could be:: {'givenName': 'first_name', 'sn': 'last_name'} " .. note:: When combined with ``container``, the type passed to ``bool_or`` is applied to the *values* in the container rather than being applied to the literal strings passed on the command line. """ type = str def __new__(cls, type, *, _type_cache={}): if type not in _type_cache: name = f"BoolOr{type.__name__.title()}" _type_cache[type] = builtins.type(name, (cls,), {"type": type}) return _type_cache[type]
def add_items_to_container( container_type, item_type, existing_items, new_items, option_string, ): """Return a new container with existing plus new items.""" items = [] if is_mapping(existing_items): if existing_items is not None: items.extend(existing_items.items()) for value in new_items: try: name, value = value.split(":", 1) except ValueError: raise CommandError( f"Bad format for {option_string}; " f"expected `name:<value>` but got `{value}`" ) value = item_type(value) items.append((name, value)) return container_type(items) elif is_sequence(existing_items): if existing_items is not None: items.extend(existing_items) items.extend(item_type(value) for value in new_items) else: raise ValueError(f"Not a mapping or sequence: {existing_items!r}") return container_type(items) class BoolOrAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): if value is None: value = True setattr(namespace, self.dest, value) class BoolOrContainerAction(argparse.Action): @classmethod def make(cls, container_type, item_type): return type( "BoolOrContainerAction", (cls,), { "container_type": container_type, "item_type": item_type, }, ) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None): if value == []: setattr(namespace, self.dest, True) else: existing_items = getattr(namespace, self.dest) if isinstance(existing_items, bool): # XXX: The default value is False existing_items = self.container_type() items = add_items_to_container( self.container_type, self.item_type, existing_items, value, option_string, ) setattr(namespace, self.dest, items) class ContainerAction(argparse.Action): @classmethod def make(cls, container_type): return type("ContainerAction", (cls,), {"container_type": container_type}) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): items = add_items_to_container( self.container_type, self.type, getattr(namespace, self.dest, self.container_type()), values, option_string, ) setattr(namespace, self.dest, items) def json_value(string): """Convert string to JSON if possible; otherwise, return as is.""" try: string = json.loads(string) except ValueError: pass return string